Donation information via digital signage

Organ donation. It’s something we’ve all heard about, but we don’t necessarily do anything about it, until it’s too late. Or we sign all the papers, but don’t discuss the outcomes with our family members which can turn out to be just as bad. It’s just that dying isn’t something we want to think about, even though its a fact of life.

Now, we’re not suggesting that you ought to be reminding patients and visitors about imminent death constantly via the fine medium of digital signage. Far from it. But it’s a great way to spark some sensible discussion about the incredibly important issues surrounding organ donation. It can start with a message as simplistic as this one from University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust:

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It’s a very plain message. Make sure your family knows that you’ve joined the Organ Donor Register. Why? Because when your family know what your wishes are after your death they’re more likely to go along with them. It just makes it easier on everyone, and helps to ensure your organs will actually be donated.

Moorfields Eye Hospital has its own message on this important subject, relating specifically to eye donation:

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Another simple message, this one encourages people to register, either via the internet or the telephone. No clutter, just the vital information and a call to action.

Finally, organs and tissue aren’t the only things to think about with regards to donation. Most people can donate blood, and this is a brilliant thing to encourage via your screens. We have various messages created for many different Trusts detailing where and when people can donate blood, including upcoming events within the Trust or locally. We also have this general message created for Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust:

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It includes a phone number and website for those who require more information and serves as a frequent reminder to visitors to get out and donate blood. We’d all like to think that there would be blood or tissue available to us should we ever need it, but that’s only the case if we’re all willing to donate. Digital signage in hospitals is a great way of keeping this important topic in the forefront of patients’ minds and encouraging more people to either donate blood or to add their name to the register!


Holograms and hygiene


Winter healthcare messages