Caring for the elderly

We’ve blogged about a lot of our wonderful healthcare messages, including blogging about messages specifically for children, for women and for men. Today we decided to take a closer look a some of the messages we’ve made for the elderly. In fact, we’ve picked our top 5 from our quite frankly enormous selection. Not only are these messages useful for elderly patients, but also for their carers and family members who may be accompanying them to hospital. So, what information is being shared for the elderly via digital signage in hospitals?


1. Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – Getting home

Older people can quite often have problems with mobility, especially if they’re unwell. Public transport can be difficult for them and if they don’t have friends or family members to pick them up and drop them off just getting to a hospital appointment can be a nightmare. While this message isn’t exclusively for the elderly, it will definitely be useful to many of the older patients in Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals. They offer a brilliant patient transport service and this message is  all about ensuring that the transport system runs smoothly and effectively.


2. Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust – Problems opening your medication?

If you have problems opening standard medication bottles then easy open tops are available at The Royal Free – you only have to ask. Again, this message may benefit many patients of all ages, but like Neil Diamond and Bingo, it’s more likely to be of interest to the older generations. It’s a useful reminder message to see on the hospital’s digital signage before picking up a prescription, lest you get home and realise that the bottles aren’t at all friendly to your ailing hands.


3. St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust – Bone Boost

This is a great message for people with osteoporosis or osteopenia. St George’s has a brilliant ‘Bone Boost’ programme designed to help reduce incidence of fragility fracture. An important message to keep elderly members of the community safe and healthy.


4. St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust – Large print

Another helpful message from St George’s. Large print labels are available on request, so this message serves as a friendly reminder to patients and carers and even offers directions to the pharmacy.


5. Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust – Would you like to know more about dementia?

A caring an informative message from Oxford University Hospitals regarding their ‘Dementia Cafés’. On the last Tuesday of every month there’s an informal support group where people can meet to find out more about dementia, or talk to others with similar experiences. Incredibly useful and important for carers, patients, family members or anyone else affected by this disease. They even have biscuits. How nice is that?


There are lots of helpful services and programmes around hospitals that the elderly find useful and sometimes absolutely necessary in order to access the healthcare they need.  Digital signage is a wonderful way to keep information about these services and offerings up to date and in front of the people who will need it the most.


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