Exploring the Health Hub at Moorfields Eye Hospital

If you’re active in the healthcare Twittersphere, you probably saw this Tweet from Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust:

Our new ‘Health Information Hub’ is now open! Pop in to see us if you are in the area! #Moorfields #eyehealthinfo pic.twitter.com/U5L2pnjxM9

— Moorfields (@Moorfields) May 2, 2014

The new Health Information Hub at Moorfields includes one of our patient information screens, as well as a variety of leaflets, brochures and a helpful member of staff on site to field any enquiries. Situated near the main entrance of the hospital, it’s a great place for any member of the public to get reliable public health information. While a lot of the brochures and leaflets focus on eye health (it is an eye hospital, after all) the messages we’ve created for the screen provide a more general look at healthcare alongside some messages about eye health and sight related issues. Let’s take a closer look at a few of our favourites.

Cancer Screening

This is an important message for everyone. Do you know about the cancer screening programmes that the NHS runs? Should you be checked? This is a great message to remind people to visit their doctor and to take part in all cancer screening offered to them. Anyone wanting further information about any of the screening programmes available and if they apply to them can ask at the reception desk.


Childhood vaccinations are a hugely important topic in healthcare today. This message encourages new parents to ensure that their children are vaccinated, for their own protection against many potentially fatal diseases. Educating the public on vaccines has become a major issue and hopefully this message encourages those with young children to do a little research and talk to their health professional. This of course, leads us nicely to the next vaccination message:

Measles is a highly infectious viral illness. Measles is quite the nasty affair. Measles is not your friend. In fact, the more we can do to prevent measles, the better. Make sure your child is vaccinated. Talk to your GP. Give measles the punch in the face that it deserves.

Cycling Injuries

If you live in London you have at some point entertained a fantasy about riding a bike through the streets. The tube is expensive, the buses are crowded and we’ve all seen cab drivers screaming obscenities at Boris Bike users and wished with all our heart that we were able to command that kind of wild emotion from anyone before 9am. Think of freedom. Think of the independence. Think of the pertinent effects all that exercise is bound to have on your rear end. However, if you are planning to rush out and buy some lycra and padded shorts, there are a few safety measures you should consider as well. This message lists them nicely.

DIY Safety

Everyone likes to save some coin where they can, and attempt to be useful around the house. Everyone also relishes the opportunity to use a drill. Because they’re fun and they make a loud buzzing sound providing you with lots of comedy fodder to create on the topic of dentistry. Good times and bonding experiences to be had by all. But please be careful. Be tidy, be stable and be sensible. You are of no use to anyone if you are in A&E with a drill bit embedded in your nose.

Sight Tests

When was the last time you had a sight test? Do you think about sight tests as often as you think about visiting the dentist? You should. Look after your eye health, folks. And Moorfields Eye Hospital is a great place to start!


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